VIP Interview #9: Lorna from Eat Myyy Thoughts

For this interview, I chatted with the lovely Lorna! I’m quite sure some of you have already stumbled across her blog Eat Myyy Thoughts (Personally I’ve been stalking it for a while now, so should you.).

You can find her on her Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest 


Q: What’s the story behind your blog, why did you decide to become a blogger?

Sometimes ideas just drop themselves into my brain and I just go with them. One weekend, I just blurted out “I’m going to start a blog!” … and so I did. At the time, I was living on the opposite side of the country to my family and close friends and I was feeling a bit isolated. Plus, no-one I knew was really interested in the things that I was interested in. I think I saw blogging as a way of connecting with like-minded people.

Q: Do you have an agenda with your blog, or is it just for the sake of keeping you from boredom?

It’s never been about keeping me from boredom – I always have a to-do list as long as my arm! Initially, it was just about having a dedicated space to share my photos and my ideas. When I began my blog, I was just starting out on a ‘journey of self-discovery’ (sorry for the cliché) in terms of finding out what was really important to me and what I wanted my life to be like. Over time, I’ve started to think more and more about topics such as sustainability and the importance of living authentically and I think I am beginning to develop a bit of an agenda now. I’d like my readers to start asking themselves the questions I’ve been asking myself; about how we live our lives and whether we’d be happier and healthier if we lived them a little differently.


Q: What would you say is your biggest achievement in your life (and blogging) so far?

I always feel that my biggest achievement is yet to come. But I’d probably say that the biggest achievement in my life so far was being invited to speak about the importance of autism research at 10 Downing Street. Firstly, because my brother has autism, so it’s something that’s close to my heart. But also because it’s a reminder that you never know what opportunities are round the corner. When I volunteered to input some data and make a few phone calls for a local autism charity, I never would have imagined I’d end up addressing Samantha Cameron at 10 Downing Street a couple of years later! So that life lesson was an achievement in itself.

In terms of blogging, I think my biggest achievement is the friends that I’ve made all over the world. I’ve traveled across Europe and even to the US to meet them and now have real-life friendships with people that I originally met online. Recently, a group of us got together in Denmark. We hired an apartment and spent the weekend cooking for each other and talking about our lives and our families. It was great!

Q: If you could go back in time what would be the first thing you’d do differently?

I’m not sure I’d do anything differently. I don’t have any regrets, because I’ve learned from all the negative things that have happened in my life and it’s shaped my values and how I think.


Q: If you could work with anyone on your blog, who would you love to host/write for?

Good question. There’s a number of bloggers and brands that I admire, it’s difficult to single one out. I mean, if we’re talking anyone as in anyone, I’d love to host Michelle Obama…haha! I love that woman. But if we’re talking other bloggers, probably someone with an eco-blog I admire, such as Trash is for Tossers. Equally, I’d love to write for a blog or magazine with an eco-focus, but if I’m really honest, I’d rather see something I’ve written in print.

Q: Do you have a quote you live by or would like to?

The quote I live by comes from my favorite poem in the world – The Risk by Janet Rand.
“The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing”. It reminds me not to let fear of failure stop me from doing things.

Q: Do you have any goals of what you want to do in the future?

Yes. I want to write a book. I’ve always said since I was a little girl, I want to have a book published. I’d forgotten about it until recently, but then the idea suddenly bounced back into my head. And then, the next day, I was reading a book someone gave me, and a piece of card fell out the back with the words “create your own story” printed on it. So I’m going to take that as a sign.



16 thoughts on “VIP Interview #9: Lorna from Eat Myyy Thoughts

  1. She sounds like an amazing person with a very good view of life! I would love to see her blog! What a fun interview!


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