School Fair

Hello, everyone!

You probably noticed that I’m one day late with this post. Well, I have a good excuse for it (No… Not really…). I honestly fell asleep when I should schedule this and yesterday I had to get up early and didn’t even think of even looking at my laptop. So there you have it. I’m writing this while working a night shift. Sorry for being busy… I guess? Anyway, just read the post now…

I spent an amazingly interesting weekend working at a School fair (I suppose no one remembers that I went to the same event last year too right? Weekend recap; Level: education fair/exposition ). Well actually I spent the Friday and Saturday there and actually went to work on Sunday, but let’s not go into such details.

Shortly the School fair is an even where high schools, colleges, and universities present themselves and offer information to those who’re interested in enrolling. Naturally, because of my blabbermouth, they sent me there to present my college (again).

I have to say that it surprised me that there were more parents than teens. Like why would parents go instead of their kids? It’s just odd that they would pick the college their kid has to go to. I mean I wouldn’t want my mom to pick what college I’d have to go to. That would be a disaster.

Enough ranting. Instead, let me tell you how it went. Considering that I was constantly on a sugar rush mixed with gallons of free coffee, I can say it was quite amazing. For me at least, the classmate with me almost went bonkers because I was so hyper.

It’s safe to say that I meet a lot of people while running around and handing out candy to everyone presenting their educational institute. I also made a lot of rash decisions like… I signed up for many random things. My inbox is full of invites to all sorts of events and seminars. I also signed up for volunteering and other activities that involve volunteers. As an example, I have to meet up with a volunteer and present their story, however, I want to. The woman who was there to represent the Volunteer organization seemed especially excited about the fact that I have a blog. I don’t know why I told her that. But okay. My life’s about to get even busier than it is now…

Hmm. I also met my old professor who seemed excited about my future plans and even offered me help with my it-might-exist-one-day business. Which was really nice of him.

There was also this guy who kept giving me coffee. I had about 5 cups till 11 am and god knows how many after that. And of course, I got many, many sweets at the Culinary college booth.

Did I mention that I’m worse than a drunk person when given sugar? No?…. Well, now you know.

To wrap this up. It all ended well. People found out what they needed and much more. I got my fair share of fun and everyone got home safe.

Now it’s your turn to type.

Were you ever at a school fair (or anything similar to what I described)?

What do you think about parents picking an education for their kids?

What makes you hyper?

What do you have to say about it?